I just spent the last day and a half in tax hell. I hate it. We needed to get an idea where we stood on our tax situation for this year and to do that I had to do a "mock" tax filing. You really can't do that with old tax software as the rules of the game change every year and you just land up making a "wild ass guess" so you get some kind of number. Because Steve stayed with one company all year and he did some consulting as well, our tax situation was wildly different than it was in 2007. Throw in stock sales, purchases and a wedding to really make things crazy. We bought the Turbo Tax 2008 download but it wouldn't. Must be some kind of time thing that doesn't allow it to download till the first of the year or they are doing upgrades as we speak. The government really needs to go to a flat tax, it would really be much simpler on us tax preparers...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Fordyce Family Christmas or 23 and counting...
What a great time we had! Dinner at my mother-in-laws then a walk across the driveway to my brother-in-law Raymonds for desserts and gift opening. Wow, the family just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Not only through marriage; Buck and Lisa, but with the addition of two babies, Stuart and Cash we were getting quite cramped in Norma's house. It had been getting that way for a couple of years now since our grown children had gotten serious sweeties and all were attending Christmas dinner at Grandma's. Raymond came up with the perfect solution to the events and a great "BIG" thank you to him and his sweetie Annette for letting us do these things at their home. After our fill of desserts and gifts we played a really fun game. It required the players to write a name down on a piece of paper and then try to match the name with the player. One person had to read the names out loud therefore couldn't play, the rest of us had to remember the names read aloud which was only twice. It was a scream, when my youngest niece Estelle (age 5) guessed her Grandmas name "hot toddy" on her first try...
ETA: And a shout out of a Happy Birthday to a dear friend, Dale. I hope you had a good one!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I hope you all had great day. I just spent the better part of the day with my girls and their families and it was great. Good food, presents and lots of laughs. My grandbaby must be going through another growth spurt as he spent the better part of the time eating. We capped off the evening watching a not so "merry" movie, The Dark Knight. It was a present to Steve from Santa. Lisa and Buck had not seen the movie yet. Oops, time to wash the dinner dishes. I don't know if I will get photos posted as we are having our 'Fordyce' family get together tomorrow afternoon and I still haven't decided what dish I am taking...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
It is forty degrees!!!
And all of this will be a distant memory by the end of the week. Who would have thought that a couple of weeks ago when the weatherman said an artic front was moving in that it would have lasted this long. While I complain about the fact I can't get out of my driveway, I do really enjoy the look of the land freshly covered in snow. How quiet the road in front of my house becomes when it is too icy to drive on and people actually stay home. I don't know what the actual recorded snow amount for the Salem area is as I have not been able to watch the news since the ice storm hit a few days ago. You see a branch off our maple tree next to the house broke and took out my TV antennae. I am going to have to grab the rabbit ears I have in the spare room...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Man and his dog in the snow...
Steve measured 8 inches off the front porch. I think there is about ten next to my car between the garage and twelve on my patio. And the news said we can expect at least another four to eight inches in the morning!! For crying out loud I think I have had enough. We wondered how Piper would do in this and you can tell by the photo just fine. She rolls around in it, chases Steve while he is feeding the other animals and generally looks like she loves it. I have had enough. I can't get out of my driveway let alone walk to my mailbox. Being as short as I am the snow would go past my knees and the boots I have don't go that high. Sheesh...
ETA: It took Steve three hours to get to work!! Since the news was reporting more snow he left at 3:45PM. As he headed south he heard on the news that I-5 southbound was closed at I-205. He wanted me to verify this. Yep, it was. Rolling closure for snow plows, deicing and gravel trucks. He pulled off the highway had dinner and did some grocery and Christmas shopping. He got back on the freeway. Total time to get home from the time he left work eight hours!! It makes total sense that he would rather fly...
Monday, December 22, 2008
It was lights out....
It happened around seven o'clock last night and the power didn't return till 12:15 in the morning. We had an ice and snow storm that added about a half an inch of ice to everything. We new it was just a matter of time before we would lose power. So I tried to get a bunch of things done in anticipation of that happening. I was almost done when the power went out. So Steve started a fire, we lit candles and he went out to start up then generator. He also surveyed the place for the falling branches we had heard. He had to trim one that was leaning on the power line that led to the house. He couldn't get the generator started so he came back in and thawed out. We read by candlelight and then called it a night. I thought I had turned all the lights off but when the power came back on I found otherwise.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Whoa, that was a SNOW PLOW!!!!
I am living in the Northwest not the midwest! I have been working on my class samples for next month all day. While working from my dining room table I have watched the snow fall most of the day. I have lost my internet connection twice which is very frustrating when you are trying to work. Steve was working from home but now he can't because his work laptop has died so if we lose the satelite again it won't be a big deal. He normally would be out playing in the snow with the girls but alas they no longer live here and he is sick. It started sometime Tuesday, and he has gotten worst everyday since, poor guy. He finally had some dinner tonight after missing dinner for a couple of nights. He started a fire in the fireplace and that makes the living room warm but the rest of this drafty house we live in is freezing. I am trying to finish the rest of my work but now I am too cold and I can't concentrate. So I think I will go and sit by the fire and read a book...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Snow, snow, snow....and more snow!!
I love the smell of the air after a fresh snow. I love the looks of the pristine ground before anyone decides to walk on it leaving a trail of footprints. I love that it makes everything look so clean. But... I hate the fact that I can't drive in it. My car does not have four wheel drive or studded tires so I am a shut in till my hubby can take me where I need to go. He did that Wednesday late afternoon. I managed to get some of my shopping done and I still had a bit to do but he has not been feeling good so we came home. Which really was a smart thing to do since it was starting to get colder again. I awoke the next day and after listening to the news I decided to get going and left for town around nine o'clock. The temperature was a balmy 35 degrees. While I was standing in line at Craft Warehouse a mere forty minutes later I looked out the window to see BIG huge snow flakes coming down and they looked to be sticking. Great, was my first thought but I hung in there and went on to finish my shopping. My last stop was Toys R' Us. Boy, I walked in and suddenly I remembered why I don't like shopping there. There seems to be no rhyme or reason how that store is set up. I finished quickly got back into my car and headed home. My Starbucks coffee was now cold but that is why they made microwaves...
ETA: I took this picture off my front porch looking east. The blue sky is but a memory now. We are expecting at least another four to six inches of snow.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Keeping warm...
At least for the most part. But this darn weather is keeping me from getting my Christmas shopping done!! I have more than half still to do and in order for me to get it done I may have to have Steve take me to do it. I don't think we have been shopping together for a very long time, so it should prove to be fun...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Christmas cards, letter and weather...
I have finished addressing all my Christmas cards and I printed a rough draft of my Christmas letter. I hope to get Steve to read it and make any changes so that I can print it. I need to get these cards in the mail this week. The weather here is going to get frightfully cold. The weatherman is calling for rain and snow mix this evening turning to snow overnight. We are expecting 1-3" of snow and temperatures around freezing tomorrow and then around 20 degrees in the evening. Highs are not expected to be more than the mid-twenties and as low as 13 on Monday and Tuesday. You can bet I am staying home till at least Wednesday when the temps will get around 34. Brrr.....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
First gifts...
Were purchased yesterday and I still feel pretty unexcited about the season. Most of my young nieces and nephews will be getting gift cards this year as I have no idea what to get them for gifts and their parents are not much help. I will give you a glimpse into my frame of mind, my older kid told me my gift list was boring. Boring, wow that is the first time I have heard that...
Monday, December 8, 2008
Shopping, I am so behind...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Faith shaken...
It takes a lot to do that to me but it happened this week. My dear sweet friend Julie's husband Nathan has found himself without a job come the end of the month. He had been working in California, Willow Glen specifically, at the Willow Glen Baptist Church as the youth pastor. Things took a nasty turn I would say about a year ago and since then the pastor of the church has been trying to find ways to get Nathan to quit or to get the board to fire him. He was finally successful. The details I am not privy to devulge but suffice it to say what the board and pastor of that church did was not treat Julie and Nathan very Christian like. It shakes your faith in the "good" Christians of the world when people do this. It makes you want to lash out at these "good" people, but as I have been taught it its not my place to judge for that will come when they reach the pearly gates...
A fever and a sore throat...
The good news is the preliminary throat culture is negative. When I got the news I sent Sarah a text and asked if I could stop by and give some love to my grandbaby. When I got there Lisa was there entertaining her nephew. He had the most curious look on his face. You know the one, "I know that voice and face from somewhere but something is different." Oh yes, very different! Lisa had her hair cut short!! She donated ten inches to Locks of Love and still had two more cut off. It looks fabulous and of course I didn't have my camera with me. I swear, I need to have that thing attached to my arm so I won't miss opportunities like this one...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
That time of year...
The holiday rush is on and this time I am totally feeling it. I haven't done any real shopping and am not really in the spirit either. I hope this changes soon. In the meantime I am also fighting some kind of head cold and it appears I may be losing the battle. So I am staying away from my grandbaby for the next day or two. Which stinks... :(
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Moving on...
It was quite painful to watch as our beloved Beavers lost the game yesterday. Lisa had it right today when she said it looked as if the 'real' team never showed up to play. So now it is time to move on and look forward to next year. And life goes on. Sarah spent her first week settling in with Cash, Nate helping her as much as she allowed. Lisa and Buck still haven't had time to get a new dryer so she spent the afternoon here drying her loads of laundry. While waiting for her clothes to dry she spent the time using my laptop searching for houses for sale. They hope to find the house of their dreams soon. We spent very little time talking about the game and more about what happened at her place yesterday when Sarah showed up with Cash. It hardly seems possible that the holiday is over tomorrow. Nate goes back to work as does Steve. Lisa is taking this week off to help her sister and get some much needed time off. I am in the process of planning my classes for February as my January class stuff is already ordered and on its way. Boy the time sure goes by fast, Cash is already ten days old...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Need I say more?? The 112th Civil War game starts in fiteen minutes. I am leaving now for Lisas to watch the game. Will stop to pick up the pizza she ordered...
ETA: It was so sad I had to leave. Though the Beavers were favored by just a small margin it was not to be. It was such a blow out that it made my heart hurt for Beaver Nation.
ETA: It was so sad I had to leave. Though the Beavers were favored by just a small margin it was not to be. It was such a blow out that it made my heart hurt for Beaver Nation.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving Day...
I don't know what we are going to do when Lisa and Buck buy their first home as they have the biggest one for having our Thanksgiving family feast. Again, they hosted dinner at their home. It was a different crowd than last year. Replacing my brother-in-law Michael, his wife Chris, son Jesse and his girlfriend Nicole were my other brother-in-law Craig and his wife Lisa. My dear mother-in-law Norma was with us again. I hope the rest of the family doesn't mind that we sometimes "hog" her company. Christmas is going to be tight in our house as I believe we have the smallest place after Sarah and Nate, and theirs is an apartment. I don't know how my mother-in-law is going to do Christmas this year. We have two new additions, Stuart and Cash with all their baby paraphnalia. Norma may have to move furniture out of her house to fit the family. :)
ETA: This is my latest photo of my sleeping grandson. Isn't he just the cutest little guy???
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I have to wait till tomorrow...
I won't get to see my grandbaby till tomorrow as I am making pumpkin pies and finishing up some things here around the house that desperately need doing. Mail and email is just going to have to wait till I can take a breather this evening. I miss not being able to see my folks for the holiday. We are doing Thanksgiving at Lisa's again this year as she has the biggest house to fit all of the family that will be attending. Here is photo of Cash and his mommy that I took yesterday when I went to visit. Sarah looks great, doesn't she?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
More pictures...
I have more but not as many as Sarah and they are still on my camera. She said they took over two hundred in the hospital!! I spent the afternoon visiting them today. Sarah was nursing when I got there. Cash then fell asleep so he was placed in my arms where he stayed for almost three hours. I reluctantly gave a still sleeping grandson to his daddy because I had to get home to start dinner for Steve. I arrived home to find Steve already here. He came home early as he was not feeling well and is sleeping as I write this.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Happy Grandma...
Steve and I spent a couple of hours visiting Sarah, Cash and Nate in the hospital earlier this afternoon. We met Nate's mom, Mary and his nieces Darlene and Dakota in the lobby so we rode up in the elevator together. It was the first time Steve had met any of Nates family. I met Nate's brother and his girlfriend Heather yesterday. I spent a good part of the time when we were there holding my sleeping grandson. I am guessing Sarah had plenty of company today. As we were leaving Nate's friend Lee was arriving with his wife and son. Grandma Norma stopped by here to get room and location information before going to visit and I had just received a phone call saying that my friend Camille had just seen Cash and she said he was beautiful. I know...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Grandpa's little man...
Happy family...
Who knew a "liitle" baby could bring this much joy to a family? He is so beautiful and yea some of it is "grandma" bragging. But really he is a cutie. Grandpa Steve is so proud as is Cash's daddy Nate. Sarah was doing remarkably well considering how things went. We only visited for a couple of hours this morning and then left as she was getting tired. We are guessing that family and friends will be showing up this weekend by the car loads. So I plan on making my trips short and sweet as I can always see them at home. Lisa has already said she is buying him Lincoln Logs, a bucket of the green plastic Army men, lots of great looking Beaver wear and a drum set. :) Sarah is not okay with the drums and Nate ain't too happy about the Beaver wear as he is a "duck". Sheesh...
ETA:Here are a few pictures I took of Cash's adoring fans (family)... With Aunt Lisa, Mommy, Grandpa Steve and Daddy.
Meet Cash Thomas Crawford and his grandma...
He didn't want to leave his mommy. They did the picosin and Sarah did not do well. They gave her an epidural but she was only dilated to four centimeters by 1AM. By two fifteen Cash's heart rate dropped several times during contractions so the decision was made to do a c-section. He was born at 2:31AM weighing 8lbs. 7oz. and was 21" long!! He is a big boy and so beautiful...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
It may be Friday....
No more doctor appointments for Sarah. Unless she delivers by Wednesday she will check into the hospital Thursday afternoon and they will induce on Friday. We are hoping that doesn't have to happen.
Snoopy impersonation...
Sarah says Piper is lonely and that is why she climbs on her doghouse. It usually starts when we get up in the morning. Apparently she can hear us talking in the kitchen in the morning and has discovered if she gets on top of her doghouse she can see us in the kitchen. She whines to see if Steve will come out and pet her or let her loose but most cases she just gets to whine because he doesn't have much time in the morning to let her run free for a bit. Those times happen if she is lucky for about fifteen minutes before he leaves for work while he feeds her and the ducks but mostly all the running free happens on the weekends. This isn't the best picture of her on her dog house. The better opportunities happen when I don't have my camera ready or she jumps off when I go out there to take her photo. Silly dog, she is just like a little child...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
No news...
Monday, November 10, 2008
One out of four...
This picture was number four of four taken by Shelly at the anniversary crop this past weekend. I totally understand the reason why photographers take so many photos. The more people in the photo the more likely someone will blink, move or glance away from the camera. Our goal was simply a before and then an after picture. We missed our opportunity to do the after as Camille left early for home. We missed Sarah of course, as she was so close to her delivery date she chose to pass on this event. She did stop by on Saturday and we all had lots of laughs. Last night we met the kids for dinner and they gave us our birthday gifts. We "so" enjoy spending time with our children...
ETA: Even in this photo Mary started to blink. So I guess word to the wise would be in order. Take lots of photos...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A lot of election results did not go our way and a good many are still up in the air. Change is coming, though it remains to be seen if it is a good change. As a voting citizen I reserve the right to make comment when I think it is warranted. I write letters to my local paper and I try to stay informed. So when I voted I made what I thought were informed and well thought out decisions. I hope everyone did the same...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
55, now what??
I remember when Lisa's grandpa Arlo hit the "double nickels" as he called them. At the time it seemed old but not much, he was my father-in-law at the time, and so it didn't really phase me. Now that I have hit fifty-five it seems unreal. I, now have a married daughter which added a son to my family. Sarah is getting married next July which will add another son to our family. Well, Steve did want sons but I think he wanted them so he could give them piggy back rides and tractor rides. These sons are way too big for that. :)
ETA: I just plugged in my new hard drive for my computer. 750G, whoo..hoo... Steve asked what I wanted for my birthday and I told him an external hard drive for my computer or diamond earrings. I was pretty sure the hard drive was a shoo in....
ETA: I just plugged in my new hard drive for my computer. 750G, whoo..hoo... Steve asked what I wanted for my birthday and I told him an external hard drive for my computer or diamond earrings. I was pretty sure the hard drive was a shoo in....
Monday, November 3, 2008
Scolded again...

Sarah has fired me from taking pictures of her. She totally hated the picture that I posted yesterday. I think she looks beautiful but she disagrees. I remember feeling the same way when I was pregnant with both of the girls but I forgot about it. So I found another that I liked and I am posting it. She hasn't seen this one either and probably won't like it but tough. Besides I didn't take this one, this is one that was taken at Lisa's wedding by Kristi.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Talk about an exciting game!! Though they were the favorites to win by about 15 it didn't turn out that way. Their starting quarterback was hurt in the first quarter and they had to send in their second. The guy did alright but an interception and some poor throws made the game a lot closer than it should have been. They did win 27-25. We were invited to watch the game and eat pizza at Lisa's. Steve had already commited to something else but said he would try to make it. Sarah and Nate brought fixings for root beer floats. We had lots of laughs. Sarah is just two weeks away from her due date and is feeling the effects. The baby is getting bigger by the week. She went to see her midwife on Thursday and everything is progressing smoothly.
Friday, October 31, 2008
I have wedding pictures...

Now I have to get them printed so I can use them for my class sample. I am teaching the Karen Russell Standing Album class in December and I wanted to use Lisa's pictures. I wasn't sure it would happen as first I had class shortages, then the pictures weren't available yet. Wow, so I am guessing that I will be working on this at the anniversary crop at the Shilo...
ETA: This picture was taken in the vineyard about hundred yards from the reception site.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
All clear...
Today I had my follow up visit to the doctor after my sixth month mammogram. He said all looks fine and when I have my next mammogram in April (the yearly one) if all stays the same I will be released from his care. Whoopee...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sneak peek...
I have been sweating the fact that my card kits didn't come in time for class on the 17th. They finally got here yesterday. So ladies those of you who paid already can pick up your kits at Scrapbook Fever. I came home right after class last night and started working right away on the class samples for November. Here are just a couple of the cards we will be doing in class. The theme is Christmas cards and they are just gorgeous. The class will be on the 21st, so sign up as soon as you can on the first of the month as these kits go fast. I already have Decembers samples done, I just have to take photos and send them to Bud. I am not doing an extra class next month as I want some time to spend getting to know my grandchild when he makes his appearance. I will be teaching Karen Russell's Standing Album class in December and a chipboard book using Basic Grey's Eva line in January.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Mike Wazoski the pumpkin...
Lisa and Buck were here last night carving pumpkins or I should say they carved "a" pumpkin. Sarah bemoaned the fact that no one said we were doing pumpkins and wanted to come over to carve theirs. So Lisa and Buck are waiting till Wednesday to carve the other two pumpkins they have. Thus holding to our traditional viewing of "Sleepy Hallow" and carving pumpkins this will happen Wednesday evening. It is so much fun to have my kids here with their sweeties. There is always lots of laughs when we all get together.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Possibly the last shower...
I am just getting around to loading pictures I took from last Saturdays scrap/shower we had at the church for Sarah. She got some really cute things. Receiving blankets, a dust ruffle for Cash's bed, some monkey jammies, a pair of jeans and a coupon book (good for baby-sitting, laundry, meals, etc.) to help Sarah and Nate. Sarah is doing good and looks absolutely beautiful though she says she doesn't feel that way. She is also fighting a cold, poor sweetie...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Deep breath...
I have so many things on my plate right now I don't know where to start. Time is really of the ecesence as little Cash is due in approximately three weeks. I want to have my calendar free as well as my to do list dwindled down to manageable. Not having much luck right now as I seem to let things distract me from the matters at hand. I am praying for a little peace of mind or I will lose it while tackling these tasks. It should teach me not to put things off but alas I am a proscrastinator...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Week 36 or 37...

We have approximately four weeks till our grandchild is born. To say that we are getting anxious is an understatement. Sarah said she is in no hurry, that he needs to stay where he is until the fourteenth. I asked why, and got this response. "If he is born earlier than that he will mess with my budget. I get paid for the full month if he is born after that." Wow, as if this child will ever not mess with her budget. It is funny but I don't remember being that aware of how much my girls affected my budget but I know they did. This picture was taken at the coast a few weeks back by our friend Janet.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I had been waiting to hear if my card kits that I needed for my class on Friday had shipped since last Friday. Well the news wasn't bad but just not that good. The vendor is shipping only six instead of the twelve we ordered and they won't be here till next week. So my class has been cancelled and I will just be getting credit for the kits. Darn Basic Grey, those kits are so cute!! Here a some pictures of a few of the cards. The kit has a total of eight with envelopes at a very good price.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
It's been awhile...
My sisters-in-law have not gotten together for dinner for quite sometime now. So when one of them sent an email that seemed desperate for "girl" company we decided to get together. So we are meeting tonight at six at Caruso's in Keizer. I have never been there, Sarah said that she went with Nate before and said they were really good but a bit spendy.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Aren't they the cutest???
I had to go to the bank and then Fred Meyers today. And as is my usual thing I do, I headed in the wrong direction for the men's department, so I had to turn around and it took me past the baby department. I fought the strong urge to buy sleepers for Cash but when I went past the last row there was a sign that read "Buy one, get the second at half off". Why do they do that to us poor grandmothers? These little shoes called out to me and I couldn't resist...
ETA: I know Sarah will say I have an illness. True, it came with my children.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Learning to use my scanner...

It was easier than I thought. Thank goodness I mostly figured it out but I still had to ask Steve about the resolution because the book was NO help whatsoever. I spent part of the day Saturday and Sunday scanning photos that my sister-in-law Lisa lent me back in July. I hope to have them finished by today. Then I will start working on the photos we received from a cousin of Steve's. I hate to have photos laying around because I always fear something bad will happen to them. I look at some of these photos and I can't believe how we have changed over the years. The loved ones we have lost and the new family members that have joined us. This photo taken at Grandma Burma's is of my sister-in-law and her husband, (Steve's brother), Craig. I believe it was a prom photo. Joining them in the photo my mother-in-law Norma, Lisa, Craig, Grandma and Bob my father-in-law. Both Grandma and Bob are gone now and we miss them dearly.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
All things family...

Lisa returned from San Marcos, Texas last night around ten. She said it was cold here! Gee, in the sixties doesn't seem that cold to me but then she has been staying where the temps have been in the mid-90's. Spoke to her today and she said she was warming up but was really tired. Nicole the gal that sets up stores for Columbia and always asks to have Lisa help her is stressing out because Lisa won't be going to the "Mall of America" with her in early November. Lisa already let them know at work that she will be taking a week off to help her sister when Sarah has the baby. Nicole told Lisa to tell Sarah to hurry up and push that kid out because she is messing with her work schedule. Ha..ha.. Sarah and Nate dropped off a gift for Annette, stopped at Raymond's little fresh market for some fruit then dropped by here. Lots of fun as usual when she stops by for a visit. She also left with a care package of pretzel chips, dried apples and a large bag of grapes. She was such a happy camper when she left here...
ETA: This picture was taken by Nate a couple of weeks ago. She will be at thirty-five weeks come the middle of next week. She says she isn't getting nervous about the birth. I am....
Friday, October 3, 2008
Some jerk...
I am guessing of the teenage variety. Thought it would be extremely funny to throw a pumpkin at Steve's car last night. I didn't hear anything other than the dog bark for a brief amount of time. Steve went out to feed Piper this morning and saw that the back passenger side window was busted out. This made for a real special morning around here...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I watched Earl!!
It is an extremely absurd show that is hysterically funny! It was my first time watching it. Crude stuff, mostly suggestive adult content and humor. Not normally my cup of tea but I watched it with Steve anyway. My favorite part had to be Earl lighting a cigarette right after Joy had used hair spray on her hair. Too funny!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Little Olive
Why that name? Who knows. Most rental homes at the coast I have been in have a name and the one us "scrap girls" stayed in this past weekend was no exception. We had a great time as usual. We also have added two new "girls" to our crazy group, Emese and Laura pictured here. They aren't the greatest photos but they will have to do. We didn't do 'much' husband bashing this time it was mostly about our kids. Lots of different projects were worked on; from pages to books. These ladies are such a creative bunch and I saw some incredible stuff. I wish at times I would go outside my creative box more often, but I am uncomfortable there so it doesn't happen as frequently as it should. We managed to get a group photo on the front steps of the house by asking a woman who was passing by if she would take it for us. I didn't take as many photos as I normally do, was too into scrapbooking to remember that I had brought my camera but others did and I need to get copies. Especially of the Excursion when it was all packed when we were unloading. More on that when I get the photos...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hard to believe...
Time seems to fly by so fast. Lisa's grandma Edith mentioned I will be hitting the double nickles this year. Yep, 55 and it also hit me that I remember when her Arlo hit fifty-five. Yes, someone stole the extra time in my life! It just doesn't seem that thirty years went flying by that fast. I look at this photo that was taken of me with my sister-in-law Chris and my friend Mary. It has been five years already since it was taken at the surprise birthday party my girls threw for me and yet it seemed as if it was just yesterday. I have been working on getting my house in order for when my grandbaby gets here. Right now it looks worse now that I am working on it, how does that work anyway. But I am getting to a point where I will need boxes to take things to St. Vincent's, to offer to friends or children and to the dump. Sometimes it is just knowing where to start that seems to overwhelm a person...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thunder Foot and Evil Spawn...
Are the names Sarah has given to the young girl and boy that live next door to her. They are loud and obnoxious according to Sarah. They leave their toys all over the staircase that they share and their parents don't seem to care. These are complaints that I am sure everyone has heard from people that have never had children. Yes, our society has gotten very lazy when it comes to caring how their children behave. But there are still a good many of us that instilled in our children the need to be courteous and consider others. I wonder if Sarah will mellow out a little once Cash is born? It is amazing what we no longer hear once we have our own children. But at the same time there is no excuse for poorly behaved children.
Sarah and Lisa came over for a visit today. Sarah spent the time entertaining us with her 'horror' tales of the neighbors children, talking about the wedding and just catching up. Lisa also gave us a rundown on what has been going on with the 'newlyweds'. She leaves tomorrow afternoon for Park City, Utah where Columbia is opening another store. She will be there for a week. Flies home on Friday and leaves again the following Sunday for San Marcos, Texas to set up another store. She will return home the following Friday. She turned down the trip to Minnesota because that is about the time that Sarah's baby is due and she wanted to home for that. She has already let them know she will be taking some time off to help her sister for a few days after she has the baby.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Running out of time...
I have started seriously weeding through the piles of stuff I have laying about. Magazines, newspapers and other odds and ends. If Sarah stays to her due date the baby will be here the third weekend in November. So I have to get lots of things put away, given away or whatever by the time Cash starts crawling. I sat down on the floor today and went, WOW. I had forgotten what little ones can get into from that height. Yea, they don't have to be walking to get into stuff. I am going to have to get a couple of baby gates, one for the staircase and the other for the kitchen. Gee, I am not having a baby but I am going to start spending money again on one. No longer will I be just cruising the ads for scrapbook stuff on sale now it will be baby stuff too!! My first point of attack is to rearrange my scrapbook room a bit to put the stuff I have been leaving downstairs. There doesn't at first glance seem to be room but I am getting rid of a few things and making room now so it won't be such a shock to do it later. Here are my before pictures and I hope to post the after real soon. :)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
"Bob that Head"
Is currently playing on the latest CD I bought. Rascal Flatts, Still Feels Good is a great CD. Plenty of good songs. I have found that every time I buy one of their CD's I am not disappointed. I spent yesterday scrapping with Sarah and Janet at Shelly's. A "Back to School" crop which gave us free Dutch Brothers coffees. It was only my second coffee I had ever gotten from them, my first time I was so disappointed but this time I was impressed. It was some kind of blended mocha drink that I will have to ask Janet (again) what it was called. We also got to spend the day scrap booking with a couple of ladies from Albany, Terry and Shirley as well as a couple of my favorite ladies, Karen and Notocha from Corvallis. Despite waking with one of the worst headaches I have had in a long time I spent the day making and canning applesauce. Yes, it was crazy to do so since it was in the nineties here but Steve was home and said he would help me cut up the apples so I couldn't turn him down. He also cut up apples to put in the food dryer. OMG, those apples are so good when they are done.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I met Amy Hurley...
For most of you she is not a household name, but to many scrapbookers she is a new face in the game. She is the premier designer for the "Keeping it Real" product line that is offered by Creative Imaginations. Her designs are versatile, bright and bold in colors. Her first line for CI is "I'm Pregnant". I found her product line thanks to the keen eyes of the ladies at my local scrapbook store. I knew the minute I saw it that Sarah would like it. So I designed a little book using the papers, stickers and chipboard from this line. I added ribbons from various manufacturers to complete the book. A great big thanks to Jessica V. who brought Amy over and introduced her to me. She told Amy about the book I designed and how much I thought her papers rocked. Very sweet lady and I wish her great success with her next line called "Spit Up Couture".
Monday, September 8, 2008
Is it August???
The weatherman said that the temperatures this week will be about ten degrees warmer than normal. Great. I have already removed the fans from the windows upstairs and was getting ready to take the one in the living room and kitchen down to the basement. Sure glad I didn't do that as it is supposed to hit the 90's this weekend. I got home from class tonight to find my brother-in-law Mike's truck parked in my spot in the driveway. As I entered the house I knew that he was in a deep political conversation with Steve. Given that these two men are on opposite sides of the fence politically this could last for hours and I am hungry. I guess that will teach me to go to a meeting without having a substantial dinner. A piece of chicken just doesn't stay with you that long.
ETA: This is a picture I took of Michael at Christmas last year. Okay, I think I need to go and end the political discussion or I am going to start gnawing on my arm.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
A new nephew...
His name is Stuart Andrew Fordyce and he was born at 1AM this morning. Mom, Annette is doing good. So is Stuart. Don't know specifics yet.
Piper gets a ride...
While I was scrapbooking at the store yesterday Steve took Piper for a ride in the truck. Yea, she wasn't that crazy about it. Steve said she had the "I am sorry, I won't do it again" look. Then when they got home she wouldn't jump out apparently it was too high for her. So he picked her up and set her down. Steve said she was real excited about being home. She is still dealing with her "abandonment" issues and right now is whining like crazy. Now I remember what I didn't like about having a dog...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
No barking, whining or crowing...
It was a very quiet morning till about seven when my brother-in-law Raymond called. He wanted to talk to Steve about Sarah Palin's speech last night. We were both so tired that we missed the replay on OPB, fortunately I taped it. The dog didn't stir till Steve went out to feed the cats and put his briefcase in the car. I think I am getting so used to the rooster because I don't even hear him anymore or maybe it is because he has been crowing in my neighbor's back yard the last day or two. Having lunch with Julie, Tami (her mommy) and Sarah today. I have to get somethings done here before I leave so I better get with it.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
This morning Piper won...
Yep, I didn't hear the rooster this morning but I heard the dog. Someone drove into the neighbors driveway across the road and she went crazy. I went into Bi-Mart to pick up a couple of things and she got real excited when she saw me but didn't do a bunch of barking. She waited till I got back and unloaded the car. Then she barked and whined for close to forty-five minutes. I had to resort to putting in a CD and turning up the volume so I couldn't hear her. Geez...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The rooster wins, barely...
Yes, he was doing his thing again but I really didn't consciously hear him till around 6:30. Then Piper started up about 6:45 and didn't really stop till about 8. We have increased road traffic because school started today. So it looks like if I don't hear the rooster I will hear the dog. Great, living out in the country is SO much fun. :)
ETA: How can such a cutie make so much noise. Gee...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Her name is Piper...
Thanks for all the suggestions; Honey, Daisy, Lady and Brandy to name a few. Sarah said most of them sounded like stripper names which got a big laugh out of Steve. But he decided on her name which is fine with me since it is his dog. Right now she is barking like crazy because someone won't go out there and play with her. Never mind the fact that she had been running free for the last couple of hours while Steve was working in the yard. He said he only had to scold her once, when she went after the rooster in the yard. I need to get some more pictures of her in the daytime so I won't get that nasty eye thing that pet pictures get when you use a flash. If Steve goes back outside and lets her run loose in the yard again I will have to run and get my camera.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
We need a name...
Though she seems to answer to "girl" we really think she needs a name. She is honey brown in color, sweetest temperament, and Steve thinks she is about a year old. She was dumped off at Raymond's fresh market building sometime yesterday I believe. Norma called and asked if we knew anybody who had a missing dog. Nope, we didn't. Steve and Lisa went over to the store late this afternoon and the next thing I know Steve is leaving for PetCo to get a couple of dog dishes and food for our newly adopted dog. She has been howling off and on but is now quiet. I believe she is finally asleep for the night. Steve believes she has abandonment issues... :)
July 25, 2009 is the day
They have a date, she wants sunflowers, he wants a barbecue style reception and her color is "oasis blue". What a difference in weddings my daughters have chosen. As you can tell these two spent the evening last night and probably this morning talking wedding plans. They came over this afternoon to give us the details and to ask a few questions. Sarah also rooted around in the attic for some books and toys for Cash. Lisa also stopped by after she left work. She worked all weekend for their Labor Day sale that had them hopping. She was okay with working since it meant time and half for the extra work hours. We all chatted about the wedding while Steve talked about planes. The girls and I get such a kick out of him.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The future Mr and Mrs Crawford

Nate came by this evening to speak to Steve. He came to ask for permission to ask Sarah to marry him. It sounded like he was going to wait till maybe later in the week. Steve said I don't think he is going to make it. And Steve was right. We received a text message with a picture of the ring on her finger at about nine this evening. They are both so excited; as are we. Janet's girl Maddie is already asking when and where is it, are you catering and what dress will I wear? I don't think is going to be a small affair...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Time to slow down...
Honestly I am still running on overdrive and I need to slow down. I didn't get to my Kat's challenge layout till today and then I couldn't find what I wanted to use on the "two" page layout so it became a one page and I went in a different direction and used different pictures. Dang I hate it when this happens. But I also have been spending the last couple of days trying to load some new software and I am having trouble. The software will load okay but it won't do the update and it is starting to make me want to throw the darn computer down the stairs. Though I know it isn't the fault of the computer it would relieve some stress. So tomorrow I am doing nothing else but sitting at my computer, calling the manufacturer and getting this thing working! In the meantime I have been trying to get some plane reservations for John, Steve's old man friend, to fly to Denver next month. It is some squadron reunion for a bunch of his military buddies from World War II. The United website is possibly the slowest one on the planet. And then to my frustration it wanted me to book the flight but it had no seats available! What kind of crap is that?? I don't want 84 year old John walking around the Denver Airport trying to find his way home. This irritates me enough to want to break something. I need to go downstairs and load some happy movie into my DVD player to get my mind off this lunacy.
ETA: On a lighter note, my friend Mary took this picture of Sarah at her baby shower with her "diaper" cake.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Trickling in...
Lisa downloaded pictures onto my computer that Ky, her sister-in-law, gave her that she took at the wedding. Lisa hired Kristi and her friend to take the wedding photos. But she had two very good friends from the OSU Bookstore who were photograpers that were in attendance as guests who also took oodles of photos and video and I can hardly wait to see those. I am posting one of my favorites that Ky took. Don't know exactly where it was taken but it was before the wedding according to Lisa. She was already having champagne by this time. She looks as if she is feeling no pain. :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
That crazy time again..
I have spent the better part of the weekend working on my cards and my two page layout for my classes next month. Both Steve and I weren't feeling all that great yesterday so it took me all day to finish the layout. I added the finishing touches this morning, took the pictures of the cards and the layout. I just finished emailing the class descriptions and pictures off to Bud, therefore making the monthly deadline of the 25th. I now have to get working on my class layout for my challenge class which is Wednesday. Oh, why do I do this to myself? Virtually the last minute just like the June, and I didn't do July as it was too close to the wedding. I don't feel like I have caught my breath yet why is that!? Here is a sneek peek at one of the cards for my class next month.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Twenty-two years...

Besides the proof of all the aches, pains, the gray hair, the wrinkles and the grown up children it just does not seem possible that we have been married twenty-two years today. At this very time all those years ago we were having (or I should say trying) our first meal together as a married couple. I remember what I did have was delicious but we didn't get to eat much. After the Oregon contingent of guests loaded up into the motor home for their return trip we took notice at how quiet the place had become. Our bedroom looked like an explosion had occurred in it and thanks to Dan our photographer I actually have proof. Once my parents had gotten Lisa's clothes together and left for home we decided to take off that night for our honeymoon. It was by the seat of our pants since we had no reservations and no real plans but to drive up the coast. Lots of fun and memories that I will cherish forever; from spending my wedding night sleeping in the bug, the cottage overlooking the ocean in Yreka (long hysterical story attached) to the walk in the redwoods it was wonderful and yes I would do it all again. Well except the sleeping in the bug...
ETA: This picture was taken of us at a Halloween "twenties" themed party that Craig and Lisa had thrown. Goodness we were young!
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