Saturday, December 20, 2008

Whoa, that was a SNOW PLOW!!!!

I am living in the Northwest not the midwest! I have been working on my class samples for next month all day. While working from my dining room table I have watched the snow fall most of the day. I have lost my internet connection twice which is very frustrating when you are trying to work. Steve was working from home but now he can't because his work laptop has died so if we lose the satelite again it won't be a big deal. He normally would be out playing in the snow with the girls but alas they no longer live here and he is sick. It started sometime Tuesday, and he has gotten worst everyday since, poor guy. He finally had some dinner tonight after missing dinner for a couple of nights. He started a fire in the fireplace and that makes the living room warm but the rest of this drafty house we live in is freezing. I am trying to finish the rest of my work but now I am too cold and I can't concentrate. So I think I will go and sit by the fire and read a book...

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