Monday, December 22, 2008

It was lights out....

It happened around seven o'clock last night and the power didn't return till 12:15 in the morning. We had an ice and snow storm that added about a half an inch of ice to everything. We new it was just a matter of time before we would lose power. So I tried to get a bunch of things done in anticipation of that happening. I was almost done when the power went out. So Steve started a fire, we lit candles and he went out to start up then generator. He also surveyed the place for the falling branches we had heard. He had to trim one that was leaning on the power line that led to the house. He couldn't get the generator started so he came back in and thawed out. We read by candlelight and then called it a night. I thought I had turned all the lights off but when the power came back on I found otherwise.

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