Sunday, March 30, 2008

This Christmas...

I will have a new title, Grandma. I found out this weekend that our Sarah is going to have a baby. No doubt a surprise to us and I am guessing a real surprise to her and Nate. Sarah says he is over the moon about it. She still seems stunned by the news. She was very scared to tell Lisa and didn't chose the best way to tell her. Lisa now has hurt feelings and is in denial and does not believe Sarah. Why the weirdness? Lisa being nine years older could be very demanding, controlling and quite stubborn but also very protective of her sister. Well, Sarah too can be stubborn. It made life so interesting around here when they were growing up. I had hoped that this would bring them closer together but it doesn't appear that way at this moment. I am praying that this will change and soon because I don't think my heart could take it if it doesn't.

1 comment:

Punkscrapper said...

It will get better...they have always pulled through it before, right? I love you!