Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Class, etc...

It went really well, I had three students I have never had in any of my classes before. All apparently liked the idea of classes in the afternoon, so I may start doing more classes like this. Sarah and Nate stopped by this evening to drop off her Honda Accord. She is on the hunt for a new car and is letting us do whatever we want with hers. Her car requirements run something like this; 1) it has to run in cold weather 2) four door and 3) automatic transmission, and from there she isn't that picky. I totally understand the it has to run part, the auto transmission but I didn't get the four door thing so I asked. "Cheaper insurance, Mom." I guess she did learn a few things on her way to growing up. So we have another car in our driveway till we decide what to do with it. We will be meeting the kids for dessert tomorrow evening for Valentine's Day.

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