Sunday, August 23, 2009

Today and 23 years ago...

Today would have been the start of twenty-three years of wedded bliss but that changed on April 1st. So today I celebrate that wonderous event alone. He was my best friend, my confidant, my lover and my life. No one will ever replace him in my heart or soul. So today begins a different chapter in my married life. One where I have to acknowledge the many things I have been doing on auto-pilot since Steve passed away. I will no longer have him to help me make decisions that are crucial in our lives. I will make those decisions alone now hoping that they are what he would have done. Looking at these photos makes me realize that the last twenty-two years literally flew by. How young we looked when we were married and yet we weren't. He was 26 and I was 32. Lisa had turned eight the month before and a mere year later her sister Sarah would be born. It wasn't our original plan to have children right away but God saw to it that it happened for us anyway. We were truly blessed with our little family...

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