Thursday, January 13, 2011

Two amazing daughters...

Steve and I raised two amazing girls. They have stepped in countless times these last twenty months to help me when I needed it. From cleaning to moving furniture and boxes they have taken up the task at hand to do the things that I just can't do. I know that this has to be hard on them too but they don't complain. 

In fact there have been times while we were sorting through stuff that we laughed ourselves silly over the memories that came up. Of course, mostly at Steve's expense but then he had it coming. We usually laughed when it happened and then the memories came and we laughed more. Comments usually range from "Dad never got it" (Sarah) to "Dad was such a geek" (Lisa) that sides hurt from the laughter. 

As the memories resurface we laugh, cry and laugh some more. It is what makes it so bittersweet that he couldn't have made his 'grandpa' memories with Cash because we all know it would have been an unending supply of laughter, again at his expense. 

My personal memories of how we met, dated, married and lived our twenty-four years are what hold me together now. Some of course are of a personal nature, others are of how he impacted those he encountered while he went about living life. He constantly amazed me what a wonderful person he was and though we didn't have the 'perfect' marriage it was really really good. 

Now it is on to making new memories with my family and their families.We are doing it in small steps and they have been great ones. I just hope that this continues for this new year.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

that was lovely momma.