Sunday, November 29, 2009

This year...

Has not been easy for me and my loved ones. We are going through the motions with the holidays missing Steve terribly. It just doesn't seem right without him and that is not going to change I know. Being aware of this doesn't make it any easier and it only makes my grief at times unbearable. That being said I also realize I am not the only one that misses him this way. Besides the family there are his many, many friends and co-workers that also miss him. I just want everyone to know how I also think of all of you all of the time. I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one.

ETA: Sarah took this photo on one of their flights to the coast. Nate was sitting in the front where she would normally sit when she went flying with her Dad. I have to say this photo gives me goosebumps, as I look at it and feel like I could just reach out and touch him...

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