Has not been easy for me and my loved ones. We are going through the motions with the holidays missing Steve terribly. It just doesn't seem right without him and that is not going to change I know. Being aware of this doesn't make it any easier and it only makes my grief at times unbearable. That being said I also realize I am not the only one that misses him this way. Besides the family there are his many, many friends and co-workers that also miss him. I just want everyone to know how I also think of all of you all of the time. I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one.
ETA: Sarah took this photo on one of their flights to the coast. Nate was sitting in the front where she would normally sit when she went flying with her Dad. I have to say this photo gives me goosebumps, as I look at it and feel like I could just reach out and touch him...
Another first today. My first Thanksgiving without Steve. People wonder how you can be thankful after losing a loved one. It is hard I won't lie, but it is also easier when you are surrounded by those who loved him too. My dear sister-in-law Annette invited me and my girls (plus the hubby's) to Thanksgiving dinner today. It was wonderful. Lots of good food, family and fun games. I didn't participate in the infamous game of "Spoons" but did play "Family". What a blast we had. The evening didn't end as good as the day was for I had another one of those times where I couldn't stop crying. I keep asking myself is this what my life is going to be like from now on? Two hour bouts of crying followed by a bad headache is not my idea of a good time...
Piper has run away. This time she managed to wiggle out of her dog collar so there are no tags to identify her. We fear that she is gone for good. Sarah is beside herself because Piper was Steve's dog and she feels responsible for her getting away. This may very well be why we came upon her. All this time we thought someone abandoned her now I am thinking she may have just been a runaway. Who knows but hopefully she will not wonder too far and possibly even return home...
He fights these just like him momma used to do it. But when he falls asleep he looks so angelic that you just want to hug him to pieces! After lunch we are going to go to drop off my laptop to a friend to get rid of a virus and load some software for me. Then possibly the grocery store and Target. It all depends on how I hold up...
Is a year old today. It hardly seems possible that a year has gone by already. It looks like in another year he will be as tall as his momma at the rate he is growing. He is such a joy to be around. All bragging aside Cash is just plain wonderful. Wow, I sound like a grandma. :)
It can be frightful at times how much alike they were. They both loved animals, the outdoors, wind and rain storms, lightning and thunder but their politics weren't the same. It was something Sarah didn't let her Dad know and that was just as well. Her penchant for giving me a bad time, all in fun of course, is what makes her day and that is SO like Steve. He would frustrate me to no end at times and at others make me laugh till my sides ached. I believe he reveled in both. So when I told her that I was finding stuff I had no clue about or wondered what it was and that I was making a list to talk to him about the next time I visited him she laughed. Yes, it is a complaint list. She said she talks to Dad about me when she visits. I was hoping she would say she told him how much I miss him or how much I enjoy our grandson but no. Instead she said she tells him how I leave stuff on the couches, which drove him crazy, and there is no place to sit. To him I will say, things have changed a lot and not so much since he left us. We still love him like crazy and miss how much he loved to entertain us with his talk of politics or love of planes. So on occasion we roll our eyes or they glaze over in honor of those times...
This stuff just seems to be hanging on. I just heard that my sister-in-law Annette now has it. This is just great. We are supposed to get together for dinner on Wednesday. Hmmm...
I can't say that I got this from my kids or grandson. My head is plugged and the headache is nasty but the sore throat is gone. Was supposed to go to dinner with my dear mother-in-law but I can't. I forgot to pick up my prescription yesterday so I had to go this morning and I tried not to expose any body to this stuff while I was out. I went to the walk up window at Bi-Mart picked up my meds and came home. If it wasn't for the throbbing headache I actually would go to sleep but that is not going to happen...
I had already started planning a surprise party and it would have been loads of fun. It was another first for me, my first birthday and his without him. The girls and I did what we always do and that is have dinner together. Though he wasn't there physically, he was there in spirit. We are coming up on another first, his grandson's first birthday and it will be tough but we will get through this too...
ETA: This was taken in Tillamook by Sarah.
It is another weekend filled with friends, food, laughter and of course scrapbooking!! This time it is local. It is being held at the Shilo Inn so if I forget anything I can come home and get it.
Have a good weekend everybody!!