Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lots of things...and Cash is taking steps.

So much has happened since April and all of them aren't bad. I am teaching more classes at the store, Steve's friends Garrett and Amanda became parents last Friday to Ian, Raymond has added on to his farmers market, Lisa took a new job with Columbia, Sarah got married and Cash turned ten months on the 21st of last month. Yes, there was the wrongful death lawsuit issue and the fact that the insurance company has been dragging their feet to pay off on the policy but those issues appear to be solved since I hired an attorney to push things along.

I have myself a new point and shoot camera for taking photos of Cash but I have to get a card reader to download them to my computer. I can print off the printer in most cases but this card is too small to fit in any of the slots, of course.

And this little cutie is taking steps. Of course, when he realizes it he tries to grab onto something and if that isn't possible he just plops down on his butt. He is so funny.

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