Monday, May 9, 2011

Here she is...

Isn't she pretty? She has a red front door. Also a living/dining room, family room, two bedrooms, one bathroom, utility room and a kitchen with a nook. Love, love, love her!!! She is getting new paint in all rooms except the bathroom before I move in.

Thanks to my sweet girl Sarah, her hubby Nate and my dear friend Angie the house is prepped and ready to paint. Things are moving right along considering I just got my keys last Wednesday. I have already taken before pictures and will take more in process and then when it is done. I will post those later. 

It has been four days since I started writing this post and I finally loaded my photos onto my computer so I can post the first photo of the outside of my house. My wonderful family and friends have really made large strides on the painting. As of today the family/craft room and both bedrooms are done. The hallway is taped and painted at the baseboards and next to the door frames. The living/dining room ceiling is done as is the first coat of paint on the walls. Lisa started painting the utility room yesterday and hopes are that we get more done tomorrow. I will start posting before and after pictures in a couple of days.

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